Olusayo Ajetunmobi aka Ajet is a Yorùbá folk artist and illustrator. Her multidisciplinary art cultivates the Nigerian cultural memory through printmaking, mixed media painting, drawing, live art performance, and folktales. To make up for ancient oral African folktales that are lost and forgotten, Ajet crafts new ones. She has published two original folktales, including Just One Bite, which was commissioned for “Write the Future”; an OkadaBooks literacy initiative. The Greedy Ostrich is her author-illustrator debut. Both were published in 2021. She is the illustrator of 8 published children’s books; including a fully illustrated anthology of 12 reimagined folktales from across Africa, published by Paivapo in East Africa and Ouida Books in West Africa. She received a printmaking certificate in 2024, from the Bruce Onobrakpeya Foundation, after attending the harmattan workshop themed “Folklore, Folktales, Folk Art, Myths and Legends”. Ajet collaborates with NGOs to create illustrations for social impact and change, with a focus on women’s issues. Notably creating a research-based infographic and a reimagined folktale for an art-book titled SEEN. The art-book was published by the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity, and launched at the Feminist Library, Peckham.
Following this, she began a series of mixed media paintings titled “Girls just want to have fun”, exploring the ways that beauty standards and invisible labour keep women from enjoying themselves. The production of these paintings was enhanced by a 2024 spring residency at Villa Karo.